. started on Facebook a few years ago, when I had been going through a lot of upheavals in my life; both relationship and health. I needed a place to talk/write about life’s highs and lows, and with a special blessing from my close friend, I had the courage to go put pen to paper.
One of the first posts I had written was on ‘being healthy, but broke bc of it’. And then I got to thinking, "why am I in this situation,” ‘where being healthy is literally breaking my bank’. And that’s how I came to start writing on the topics of wellness, finance, and politics.
What I do when I’m not researching/writing/and talking to the general public:
I work as a product development advisor part-time, post content on YouTube part-time, learn data science full-time [currently learning Bayesian Updating], and read [current books, articles and essays: Go Tell the Bees That I Am Gone, A Wolf Called Romeo].